Get A Bartender Job

Get a Job as a Bartender | Our Record Is Unsurpassed!

Because of her skills she was able to get a bartending job

Get a Bartender Job Immediately upon Graduation! NOT JUST JOB LEADS, BUT JOBS!!! Every graduate is offered a bartending job the day they graduate, and all of our graduates are working within a few days of completing the bartender training we provide. Our 100-hour curriculum has several Bartending Courses combined. Our program offers the training you need to get a job as a bartender in a high-volume establishment.

Riverside Bartending School provides graduates with the most experienced and successful job placement assistance Program in the Nation. Our bartending school educates each student so they can be a rockstar behind the bar.

 Bar owners and managers throughout the service industry seek out our graduates. Owners and managers are impressed with our graduates, and they always hire from us. They know we supply them with the best of the best out of bartending school. No other school puts effort into their students as we do.

The faster you are behind the bar, the more profit you make for the establishment for which you work.

N. Smiley

High Volume Bartending Is Where It’s At!

The faster you are, the more tips you earn, the more sales you make, and customer retention increases. Owners and managers know these things, and it is critical to them. Our graduates can handle the volume in a busy restaurant, club, or bar.

What We Are About

Individual one-on-one training is what you will receive when you enroll at Riverside Bartending School. We go out of our way to ensure that you receive the best training in the area and have the knowledge necessary to be a high-volume bartender. This means you will know what to do when you are behind the bar, and the “crowd” shows up.

We Will, Help You Succeed

Get a job and get it done when the crowd rolls in

With our help, you can get a job as a bartender because we are different. The owner of the school feels people should get their money’s worth.

We do not know of another vocational school or trade school where graduates can pay themselves back their tuition costs in a couple of shifts of work.

You will not be disappointed if you invest in yourself and attend our Bartending School. The proof is all over our Social Media.

We have produced the Inland Empire’s best bartenders for over four decades. Under the same director, we are among the most successful bartending schools in the United States.


Look At The Rest, But Enroll In The Best

Please do your research and visit with us last. We will be happy to let you speak to graduates and current students and visit us for a while. Please get to know us before you commit one way or the other. It is time you stepped up to your potential and gave us a call. Let’s help you make it happen.

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We Do Not Cut Corners on Our Bartending Endorsement

When our graduates get their first opportunity to serve as a Professional Bartender, they do fantastic.

Hiring managers are always impressed by the graduates of Riverside Bartending School.

Call us today: (951) 371-6342

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Riverside Bartending School

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